
天鹅保护荣成宣言 Rongcheng Declaration on Swans Conservation
发布日期:2019-11-23 来源: 作者: 点击率:475




一、认识到 大天鹅、小天鹅和疣鼻天鹅是亚欧大陆广泛分布的迁徙候鸟,深受世界各国人民的喜爱,是自然保护的旗舰物种。

























Rongcheng Declaration on Swans Conservation





We, representatives and scholars from China, Russia,Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), EastAsia-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), International Wetland, onNovember 22th 2019, assembled in Rongcheng, the beautiful hometown of theWhooper Swan, to participate in the "International Academic Workshop onRongcheng Swans Protection" jointly organized by the China WildlifeConservation Association and the Weihai Municipal People's Government. On strengtheningthe conservation of swans and their habitats, to promote and maintain regionaland global biodiversity, a common recognition was formed:


Conscious that the Whooper Swans, the Tundra Swans andthe Mute Swans are widely distributed migratory birds in the Eurasiancontinent, which are loved by people around the world and become the flagshipspecies of nature conservation.


Recognized that the swans are the symbol of thenatural and cultural heritage shared by Asian and European countries with along history of evolution, and their international significance as a responseto conservation targets of international conventions.


Recalling also Convention on Biological Diversity andthe bilateral and multilateral agreement on the conservation of migratory birdsand their Habitats between have effectively raised public awareness. with jointefforts of each country, great achievements have been made on the conservationof swans and other migratory birds.


To improve the conservation of swans and their habitats,Call in particular for actions to:

1. Carry out ecological and biological research onswans, strengthen ecological monitoring of swans populations, and get knowledgeof the changes in swans populations and their habitats;

2.Promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation, andestablish Swans international information network to enhance the conservationcapabilities with full coverage of breeding grounds, stopovers and winteringgrounds;

3.Support the implementation of a community-basedconservation management model, raise public awareness on nature conservationand improve the harmonious development of swan conservation and human society;

4.Actively respond to the call of the “Ecological Civilizations – Building aCommunity of Earth Destiny” initiated by the 15thConference of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, andpromote the realization of the UN Vision 2050 of harmony between man andnature.


Participants ofthe International Academic Conference on the Swan Conservation

Rongcheng · China
